讲座人:日本筑波大学 金子元久 教授
时间:2019年12月6日 上午9:00
Academic Lecture:The Development of Higher Education and Private Universities
Theme:The Development of Higher Education and Private Universities
Lecturer:Professor Motohisa KANEKO , The University of Tsukuba
Time:9:00 am, December 6, 2019
Place:Conference Room 411, Administration Building
Organizer:The Non-governmental Higher Education Institute
Professor Kaneko graduated from the University of Tokyo and received a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago. He has successively served as a researcher of the Asian Economic Research Institute of Japan, a professor of Research Institute for Higher Education at Hiroshima University, and the Dean of Graduate School of Education of Tokyo University. He also serves as a consultant professor of Peking University, Zhejiang University, East China Normal University and other universities in China. At present, he is the Distinguished Service Professor of University of Tsukuba and the Professor Emeritus of University of Tokyo. As a well-known scholar in the international and Japanese higher education research circles, he is known as the first person in Japanese higher education research and the representative of theoretical education scholars. In 2010, Professor Kaneko became Director of Research at the Center for National University Finance and Management. Until 2015, he served as President of the Japan Society for Higher Education Studies. He is currently a member of the Central Education Council. Professor Kaneko has a wide range of academic interests and has long been committed to the research of higher education, education economics and comparative education, and has published a large number of influential works.